
#萬眾矚目,是綠色和平與國際藝術家丹·安克(Dan Acher)合作的全球環境藝術行動。

11 月 25 日至 12 月 1 日,世界政治領袖將齊聚韓國釜山,進行第五次的《全球塑膠公約》談判會議,而綠色和平即將在會議議場外,揚起一面巨幅旗幟。這面旗幟將由 14,000 張來自世界各地的人像照拼湊出巨大的馬賽克眼睛,象徵「萬眾矚目」,全球公民都在關注各國的政治領袖,是否將善用影響力守護人民與環境,制定出一份強而有力的《全球塑膠公約》,限制塑膠生產,並淘汰一次性塑膠,維護地球生態與人類健康。

We Are Watching and Greenpeace are currently collaborating to demand bold #PlasticsTreaty action. Plastic pollution is everywhere – it has flooded our planet, harming people’s health, accelerating social injustice, destroying biodiversity and fueling the climate crisis at each stage of plastic’s lifecycle. From Nov 25 to Dec 1, world leaders will meet in Busan, South Korea to agree on a Global Plastics Treaty. 

This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to solve the plastics crisis. For the sake of our collective future, we cannot waste this moment. Let’s make sure the treaty cuts plastic production and ends single use plastic!

As featured in The Guardian and Keystone the flag has previously flown high above Geneva, home of the UN Human Rights Council. It was first designed for and flew at the COP25 UN Climate Change Conference in Madrid, where it was also carried by the 500,000-strong crowd at the March for Climate.

The We Are Watching flag has:

  • Flown in Geneva - home to the Human Rights Council - to open the 2021 FIFDH International Film Festival and Forum on Human Rights
  • Featured in IUCN Asian Farmer's Association campaign ahead of COP26 with We Are Watching events in the Philippines, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Lao People's Democratic Republic and India.
  • Opened the Greenwich and Docklands International Festival at the Old Royal Naval College in Greenwich, London, flying close to the line of zero degrees longitude to reinforce its global resonance.
  • Travelled up the length of Britain and flown in several UK cities on its way to Glasgow's COP 26 UN Climate Change Conference, including in front of Edinburgh's Scottish Parliament Buildings.

The flag continues its journey around the globe, keeping the eyes of the world firmly on decision-makers. The flag continues its journey around the globe, keeping the eyes of the world firmly on decision-makers. For enquiries and resources about the We Are Watching project contact us here.

Creator Dan Acher is an international artivist, Ashoka Fellow and the founder of Happy City Lab. At the center of his work is art as generator of social change across local and global communities. He uses cities as playgrounds, in which his large-scale installations enable strangers to come together and connect beyond their differences. Dan is based in Geneva, Switzerland, and is also currently touring BOREALIS: The Northern Lights on Demand and BREATHE.


Almost every country in the world was represented on the first We Are Watching flag below. Zoom in to see people’s faces and messages to global leaders.


Flag reaches Glasgow's COP26

01.11.21 The Eyes Of The World reach their final UK destination: the flag will be carried by Glasgow marchers at Global Day for Climate Justice.


Edinburgh's Dynamic Earth hosts flag ahead of COP26

12.10.21 Scotland's capital city welcomes #WeAreWatching ahead of next month's COP26 in Glasgow


UK tour launches at London's GDIF

27.08.21 #WeAreWatching makes its UK debut on its way to Glasgow's COP26
