We accept portraits featuring one person only, looking towards the camera, close and clear! No animals, signs, overlaid texts or graphics please. We'll only use your photo and the information you give us within the context of the We Are Watching project. This includes the website, physical flag, and in the promotion of this project. Here's more on our Privacy Policy.
#WeAreWatching is a monumental eye, made up of thousands of portraits contributed from 190 countries. It flies high above cities on a flag the size of a 10-storey building. Raised at key climate events to hold leaders accountable as they decide the future of our planet, its message is crystal-clear: the eyes of the world are upon you.
Dan Acher's globally participative installation has flown in Madrid (COP25), Geneva and London. Various UK cities hosted it on its way to November 2021's COP26 in Glasgow.
People from 191 countries - almost every nation in the world - have added their face to the #WeAreWatching eye. Zoom in to see what they have to say.
Students, workers, farmers, elders and children the world over are demanding urgent climate action. Take a closer look at the faces on the flag and have your friends and family add theirs today. Together we can hold leaders accountable.
Download our animation of selected portraits and messages to world leaders and project it on walls, screens, buildings - anywhere you can take a stand and say: #WeAreWatching.
01.11.21 The Eyes Of The World reach their final UK destination: the flag will be carried by Glasgow marchers at Global Day for Climate Justice.
12.10.21 Scotland's capital city welcomes #WeAreWatching ahead of next month's COP26 in Glasgow
27.08.21 #WeAreWatching makes its UK debut on its way to Glasgow's COP26