01.11.21 The Eyes Of The World reach their final UK destination: the flag will be carried by Glasgow marchers at Global Day for Climate Justice.
12.10.21 Scotland's capital city welcomes #WeAreWatching ahead of next month's COP26 in Glasgow
06.03.21 The eyes of the world fly high above Geneva - home of the Human Rights Council - to mark the opening of the International Human Rights Film Festival.
14.12.19 - As the COP25 drew to a close, the faces of #WeAreWatching were brought into the COP25’s Green Zone with Fridays For Future leaders @xiyebeara and @saoioconnor.
12.12.19 - Tonight at the COP25's Green Zone, FFF leaders will address the reality of climate change across continents - with thousands of faces from 190 countries looking down on them. The eyes of the world are in Madrid.
07.12.19 - Fantastic to see the flag last night carried by the crowd at this amazing march.Thanks to the march organisers who only had one month to accommodate everyone since the change of COP25 venue from Chile to Spain.
06.12.19 - Tonight the flag will be unveiled in Madrid as the Marcha por el clima arrives at Nuevos Ministerios. Greta and an estimated 200,000 participants will be there!
04.11.19 - The COP25 will now take place in Madrid, Spain, dates unchanged at 2-13th December. We Are Watching will be there - keep adding your portraits online!
30.10.19 - As a result of the Chilean president's sudden cancellation of the COP25 in Santiago, we are currently waiting to see where and when the conference will take place. The flag is currently in production.
15.10.19 - The flag is heading to production with portraits from 190 countries - that's almost every nation in the world! Thank you to everyone who made this World Flag possible. People can still add their faces online in the run up to and during the COP25 to show leaders that #WeAreWatching.
25.09.19 - Twelve days left to be the eyes of the world in Santiago - and beyond! It takes just 2 minutes to get on the flag - please help people all over the world be on it by sharing our call for uploads!
18.09.19 - A week of mass strikes starts Friday 20 September, three days before the United Nations climate summit in New York. Fridays For Future already lists 3,422 strike actions throughout the world.
16.09.19 - UN Secretary-General António Guterres is calling on all leaders to come to New York on 23 September with concrete, realistic plans.